Our mission is to establish a harmonious co-existence that sustains every life form in the planet. Through Vibhinna we would like to focus on four thematic areas which include Ecology & Environment, Education, Rural Livelihood and health

We are Vibhinnaif

 Vibhinna India Foundation is a registered Section 8 Organization focusing on creating a sustainable planet for human and environment. Our mission is to establish a harmonious co-existence that sustains every life form in the planet. Through Vibhinna we would like to focus on four thematic areas which include Ecology & Environment, Education, Rural Livelihood and health. These thematic areas would help in bridging the gap between human, biodiversity and environment which would help in contributing to a sustainable planet. We believe in conservation of basics elements of life; soil, seed, water and air that are essential for existence of every life form possible in earth.  Our campaigns are designed to bring about larger and sustainable goals while creating smaller impacts.

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